gentle books » Fiction
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K. Rowling
- available in-store: project house @1QRW
paperback | well-loved
As our hero Harry returns to Hogwarts School for another term, he finds it guarded by fearsome Dementors, the guards of Azkaban prison. And there is a mass-murderer on the loose – the notorious Sirius Black who, it turns out, is after Harry. The gripping third installment of J. K. Rowling’s award-winning series is a treat indeed.
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find us in-store
gentle is currently the bookshop-in-residence in two locations.
161 hollywood road, central
tuesdays–sundays: 8am–6pm
fridays, saturdays: 8am–9pm
closed on mondays
project house @1QRW by one bite
1 queen's road west, sheung wan
mondays-thursdays: 10am–4pm

about gentle books
gentle books hopes to build a circular book economy and nurture the community of readers here in Hong Kong.
a women-led business founded by book-lovers, the brand believes that books don’t belong in landfill - books deserve to be read! gentle books is a social enterprise that commits 20% of its profits to literacy and education-based NGOs.